
Red Acre Investments helps you Get Ahead of the Curve by providing actionable analysis on stocks likely to make large moves in the near future. We apply value investing principles to binary event and special situation investing.

We provide in-depth analysis on stocks facing binary events, and special situations. Often, large gains in these types of stocks depend upon analyzing available information to make the right call ahead of a large change in intrinsic value. We specialize in synthesizing available information to see things others have missed.

Let's face it, everyone has the same information. It's how you interpret that information that lets you Get Ahead of the Curve. Red Acre has a proven track record of superior analysis. We don't just write investment opinions. We actively manage the Red Acre Partners L.P. Micro-cap Value Fund and trade based on the ideas we share with our members. In 2012 our fund was up over 699% - proof that we are Ahead of the Curve in identifying high-alpha trades.

Our managing director for equities is Rajesh Patel. Ph.D. Prior to Red Acre, Rajesh was a Member of Technical Staff with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, (MIT) Lincoln Laboratory where he analyzed the strategic value of emerging technologies to enhance the capabilities of the U.S. Military. Rajesh holds a Ph.D. in Applied Physics from the University of California, Davis, a Master's in Environmental Science from Rice University and bachelors degrees in both Physics and English from the University of Connecticut.

Red Acre's investment style is to look for opportunities where the intrinsic value of a stock is likely to go through a dramatic transition due to some future event about which we can predict an outcome relying on our research and due diligence experience. While we are patient investors and are comfortable with having time horizons of several months to over a year for our investment thesis to fully play out, we provide actionable analysis and insights with time horizons of a few days to a few weeks to help our subscribers quickly make sense of the market and Get Ahead of the Curve.

We have a proven track record of identifying stocks about to make significant moves. However, we don't simply write articles. We are active traders and manage a fund that capitalizes on the insights we uncover. Our subscribers benefit from having early access to our investment insights, and from knowing that we take positions in the stocks we cover.

Become a subscriber to gain full access to our investment views and Get Ahead of the Curve.