Seeking Alpha : Amarin: A Good Entry Point Ahead Of Major News Next Month


Another example of being Ahead of the Curve. We suggested that AMRN might be at a good entry point ahead of major news. Later that same day, the stock gained 60 cents or 5%. While we do not try to time the markets intra-day, clearly our analysis struck a cord with others in the marketpalce.

Here's a screenshot of Google finance showing the price action (click to enlarge)

This article was published on on September 27, 2012

Shares of Amarin Corporation PLC (AMRN) appear to be attractively priced ahead of several major developments that could move the stock price in the coming month. We outline herein what may be moving the stock in the coming weeks and suggest strategies to trade these events.

When we last worte about AMRN, we suggested that AMRN's stock price would trend lower with a target range between $12.50 and $12. This price range was hit yesterday and signals an entry point for investors wishing to speculate on the NCE decision and a buyout or partnership as AMRN's go-forward plan for Vascepa.

Read the full article on Seeking Alpha

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