Seeking Alpha : Amarin Confirms NCE Delay - What To Look For Now

The day before this article was published, we predicted that Amarin Pharmaceuticals (#AMRN) would again be delayed in getting a new chemical entity decision from the FDA. After the company confirmed our prediction, we wrote this article suggesting that the stock would head down to the $12 level before heading back up. In the weeks following the publication, the stock did indeed touch $12 and also had a run back up to $14 as we predicted. Once again, our Subscribers were Ahead of the Curve because of our analysis.

This article was published on on September 11, 2012

Yesterday morning, we published an article about why we thought the New Chemical Entity (NCE) status for Amarin Corporation's (AMRN) new drug Vascepa would not be finalized this month. In the evening, the company put out an 8-K disclosure confirming the call we made earlier in the day. The question now becomes - what happens next? We believe that AMRN's stock price is likely to revisit the $12 to $12.50 range before heading back towards the $15 level or higher in October.

Read the full article on Seeking Alpha

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