Seeking Alpha : Amarin NCE Decision Delayed Again: What The 8-K Really Tells Us

Once again, we correctly predicted a downturn in Amarin pharmaceuticals (#AMRN) due to changing facts on the ground. When this article was published, AMRN was trading at about $11.50 per share. Over the next hour, the stock dipped by more than $1 to $10.39. Later that day, Cannacord Genuity analyst Ritu Baral published an update to a research note suggesting that buyout talks were underway for AMRN, sparking a relief rally in the stock. Investors who followed our advice could have made $2 round-trip profits by selling when we published, and buying back on the dip. (We suggested a $10 - $10.50 range for the low point). We help investors profit from binary events by providing this type of actionable analysis that puts investors Ahead of the cruve.

The image below shows the stock prices for the day in question along with the Google syndication feed showing our article published before the selloff (click to enlarge).

This article was published on Seeking Alpha on October 10, 2012

Amarin Corporation PLC (AMRN) just issued an 8-k stating, among other things, that they do not expect a decision from the FDA regarding the New Chemical Entity (NCE) Status of Vascepa in the September orange book update (to be issued on or about October 12th). The 8-K contained more details than the announcements made in September and August and the news is a bit troubling because it hints that management is not as confident about NCE status as previously believed and more importantly, because it puts a damper on buyout speculation in the near term.

Read the full article on Seeking Alpha

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